Tackling Poverty and Gender Inequality in Nigeria
UNDP’s 2019 Report highlights 1.3 billion people living in multidimensional poverty globally. In Nigeria, 82.9 million people (40.1% of the population) live in poverty, per the NBS Report (2019), excluding Borno State. Poverty is more prevalent in rural areas (52.1%) than urban ones (18.04%), with Sokoto and Taraba states worst affected (87.7%), contrasting Lagos and Delta (4.5% and 6%).
Women’s Economic Challenges
Globally, women hold only 76.5% of the legal rights given to men, according to the World Bank (2022). In Nigeria, cultural biases and lack of support deter women from male-dominated fields like auto-repair, despite no formal restrictions in engineering education.

NANA: Empowering Female Mechanics

NANA envisions a future where women are integral, celebrated contributors to the automotive repair industry, breaking barriers and setting new standards of excellence. Through empowerment, training, and innovation, NANA is transforming auto repair into an inclusive field that thrives on diversity and collaboration. Learn More